
mediweb v 5.4

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MEDIWEB offers cutting-edge web-based medical applications for purposes of screening, precision symptom measuring and progress monitoring.

In broad terms we offer two types of applications:

1. MEDIWEB modules (for detailed assessment), and
2. MEDIWEB diaries (for short daily review).

Accessing any MEDIWEB product is extremely easy. Simply:

1. Register anonymously,
2. Purchase credit by EFT,
3. Access the module or diary of your liking.

Users may optionally install viewing permission to their doctor, family or carer.

We are currently updating our latest inventions publically, and for a short while only the following modules and diaries are available:

About us...

MEDIWEB is a specialized medical software company providing tailor-made, internet-based solutions for screening, measuring and monitoring purposes.

As the company was founded by doctors, the creators of MEDIWEB modules continue to enjoy strong support from leading medical specialists internationally.

In recent years we have added several top programming- and statistical consultants to our team, which resulted in spectacular technical and analytical improvement.

Because of an established reputation for reliability, ease of implementation and the production of clear and helpful results, various MEDIWEB modules are increasingly applied in the corporate or larger state industry (for instance when large scale, remote, occupational health, or confidential testing is required).

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MEDIWEB was founded by a Medical Specialist with an additional background as Internet Technologies Programmer.

Making use of cutting edge HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP and SQL programming techniques allow for application development of the highest internationalo standards.

Being web-based enable service delivery to virtually any location, and as such MEDIWEB is causing a revolution in home-based and remote clinical care.

So many conventional medical-related programming is done by IT specialists who are for the most part limited by a lack of insight into the medical side-of-things.

MEDIWEB enjoys a unique advantage as each project is literally designed medically and from a programming perspective by an expert on both sides of the equation.


Anxiety Depression Bipolar Schizophrenia Addiction
Suicide Memory
ADD Memory Dementia TBI Stroke
Sleep Energy Pain Impulsivity Irritability
Headache Epilepsy MS Cognition Parkinson

Anxiety module for detailed review

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Being anxious is a normal human experience. However, some people are chronically anxious, often with "no reason". Such conditions are referred to as a medical Anxiety Disorders .

There are various types of Anxiety Disorders:

Patients experiencing anxiety symptoms irrespective of life circumstances, is considered to suffer a General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Other people experience discrete episodes of anxiety in relation to specific things (Specific Phobia), in the presence of people (Social Phobia), develop anxiety after traumatic events (PTSD), or become anxious when troubled by repetetative thoughts (OCD).

Anxiety may cause many physical symptoms such as irregular heartbeats, sweating, muscle tension and pain, breathing difficulties, dizziness, fainting, diarrhea, and many others. These symptoms are easily mistaken by anxious people for evidence of serious physical illness - their worry about this can make the symptoms even worse.

Sudden unexpected surges of anxiety are called panic, and usually lead to the person having to quickly get out of whatever situation they happen to be in.

Anxiety and panic are often accompanied by feelings of depression, when we feel tearful, lose our appetite and see the future as bleak and hopeless.

This module focus on Anxiety in broad terms. Once completed feel free to access any of the specific Anxiety Disorder sub-type modules also available from MEDIWEB.


Anxiety diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Depression module for detailed review

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We all feel fed up, miserable or sad at times. These feelings don't usually last longer than a week or two, and they don't interfere too much with our lives.

However, someone is said to be clinically affected, or suffering a Depressive Disorder, when their feelings of sadness don't go away quickly and they are so severe that they interfere with their everyday life or function.

Most people with Depression will not have all the symptoms listed here, but most will have at least five or six. Depression sufferers -

This module focus on Depression in broad terms. Once completed feel free to access any of the related MEDIWEB modules such as those covering the topics of suicidal thoughts, deliberate self-harm and available treatements.


Depression diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Bipolar module for detailed review

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Bipolar disorder used to be called ‘manic depression’. As the old name suggests, it is characterized by episodic mood swings that are far beyond what most people experience in their lives. Such emotions can include feelings of intense depression, swinging to feelings of abnormal elation referred to as being 'manic'. Some may even experience mixed emotional states described as being predominantly depressed though at the same time feeling intensely restlessness and overactive.

To be technically diagnosed with Bipolar one must have experienced at least one manic (or hypomanic) episode. Hypomanic episodes are simply manic episodes of a less severe nature and degree. Patients suffering episodes of depression only are technically referred to as Recurrent Depressive patients.

If an episode of mania or depression becomes very severe, your experiences may become so intense that you in effect lose contact with reality. These are called psychotic episodes.

If you are in a manic episode, these will tend to be grandiose beliefs about yourself - that you are on an important mission or that you have special powers.

If you are depressed that you are uniquely guilty, that you are worse than anybody else or even that you don't exist.

Bipolar mood disorder affects about 1 in every 100 adults at some point in their life. It can start at any time during or after the teenage years, although it is unusual for it to start after the age of 40. Men and women are affected equally.


Bipolar diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Schizophrenia module for detailed review

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Schizophrenia is a medical disorder that affects around 1 in every 100 people. It affects men and women equally and seems to be more common in city areas and in some minority ethnic groups. It is rare before the age of 15, but can start at any time after this, most often between the ages of 15 and 35.

The symptoms of Schizophrenia are often described in two groups:

Perhaps inaccurately named "positive" symptoms (such as hallucinations, delusions and thought disorder), and "negative" symptoms (such as lack of engagement, social withdrawal and motivation loss).

Hallucinations happens when you perceive an experience through your senses (hearing, smelling, feeling or seeing something) in the absence of anything (or anybody) actually being there to account for it. In Schizophrenia, the commonest hallucination is that of hearing voices.

A delusion is a belief that you hold with complete conviction, although it seems to be based on a misinterpretation or misunderstanding of situations or events. While you have no doubts, other people see your belief as mistaken, strange or unrealistic.

A special category of delusions is paranoid delusions. These are delusional ideas that make you feel persecuted or harassed.

Suffering thought disorder essentially mean that your illness prevents you from linking thoughts and words logically. Others struggle to understand you as you have become completely incomprehensible.


Schizophrenia diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Addiction module for detailed review

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Addiction is described as experiencing a compulsive physiological need for any habit-forming substance, characterized by the developement of tolerance, and well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.

The modern definition include all substances able to produce either physiological or psychological habit-formation.

Addictive substances therefore include alcohol, "downers" like street opiates ( e.g. barbiturates, opiates), "uppers" like street stimulants (e.g. amphetamine, cocaine), prescription medication (e.g. benzodiasepines), dagga (cannabinoids), cigarette smoking (nicotene), and to some even food (such as in obesity).

Adrenalin-producing risk behaviour, indiscriminative sexual behaviours and gambling are also technically habit-forming activities causing the release of addictive endogenous substances.

Never-the-less, if your function is impaired in any way by any of the above substances or behaviours, or you experience the need to escalate your engagement (tolerance), or you simply can not do without it (dependency or withdrawal), chances are that you have developed an addictive syndrome.

This module focus on Addiction in broad terms. Once completed feel free to access any of the related MEDIWEB modules such as those covering the topics of alcohol-specific complications, cannabis use, psycho-active stimulants or sedatives, and pathological gambling.


Addiction diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Suicide module for detailed review

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Suicide is a tragic reaction to stressful life situations — and all the more tragic because suicide can be prevented.

Whether you're considering suicide or know someone who feels suicidal, learn suicide warning signs and how to reach out for immediate help and professional treatment. You may save a life — your own or someone else's.

It may seem like there's no way to solve your problems and that suicide is the only way to end the pain. But you can take steps to help you stay safe — and start enjoying your life again.

Warning signs aren't always obvious, though, and they vary from person to person. Some people make their intentions clear, while others keep suicidal thoughts and feelings secret. If you think you may hurt yourself or attempt suicide, get help right now!

If you're feeling suicidal but you aren't immediately thinking of hurting yourself, take action:

It's perfectly normal to occasionally feel sad, upset or unhappy with situations in your life. But if these feelings linger or leave you thinking about killing or harming yourself, seek medical help as soon as possible. Suicidal thinking usually doesn't get better on its own — so get help.

This module focus on Suicide as complication to life stressors. Once completed feel free to access any of the Depression modules also available from MEDIWEB.


Suicide diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

ADD module for detailed review

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Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is defined as ones ability to focus on a task at hand, whilst maintaining attention is often referred to as concentration ability. Both attention- and concentration functions are important for memory formation and retension.

People consistantly struggling with inattention, are referred to as suffering an Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Children suffering ADD often display an addittional aspect of being over-active (hyper-active), and the combination of symptoms are then referred to as ADHD ("H" for hyper-activity).

Attention deficit is not just a problem in children. If you were diagnosed with childhood ADD or ADHD, chances are, you’ve carried at least some of the symptoms into adulthood. But even if you were never diagnosed with ADD or ADHD as a child, that does not mean you can’t be affected by it as an adult. Attention deficit disorder often goes unrecognized throughout childhood.

Alternately, you may have been able to compensate for the symptoms of ADHD when you were young, only to run into problems as your responsibilities increase. The more balls you’re trying to keep in the air pursuing a career, raising a family, running a household—the greater the demand on your abilities to organize, focus, and remain calm. This can be challenging for anyone, but if you have ADD, it can feel downright impossible.

The good news is that, no matter how it feels, the challenges of ADD are beatable. It’s never too late to turn the difficulties of ADD or ADHD around and start succeeding on your own terms.


ADD diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Memory module for detailed review

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Everyone forgets things at some time. Some degree of memory problems, as well as a modest decline in other thinking skills, is a fairly common part of normal aging. There's a difference, however, between normal changes in memory and the type of memory loss associated with memory illnesses.

Importantly some memory problems are the result of treatable conditions. If you're experiencing any type of memory problems, visiting a medical specialist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care is very important.

The word "dementia" is an umbrella term used to describe a set of symptoms, including impairment in memory, reasoning, judgment, language and other thinking skills. Early signs of suffering a memory illness may include:

To clarify memory problems at any age is critical for all-round function particularly as much can be done to improve memory.

As such this module is helpful not only to people getting older, but will help professionals and people of middle-age equally.


Memory diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Dementia module for detailed review

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Dementia is considered a developed syndrome of various brain symptoms stemming from an underlying degenerative brain illness such as Alzheimer's disease, vascular pathology, after stroke, brain injury or in the context of Parkinson's disease.

Around 90% of people with Dementia experience behavioural distrurbance (aggression or agitation), psychosis (delusions and hallucinations), emotional problems (anxiety, depression or suicidality) and biological instability (insomnia, appetite, ballance problems and dizzyness).

These symptoms are known as the Neuropsychiatric complications of dementia and can be very distressing for the person with dementia, their family and carers.

These symptoms can develop as a direct consequence of the underlying Dementia, or they may be caused by a general health problem, for example, if the person is in pain or discomfort due to hunger, thirst or an infection.

Symptoms can also be caused by problems related to the care the person is receiving, or their environment or social interactions.

It is important to remember that the symptoms are linked to changes in the chemicals in the brain and that the person is not 'behaving badly' or to blame for their symptoms.

This module focus on Dementia in general terms. Once completed feel free to access any of the specific MEDIWEB modules designed for the early detection and detailed monitoring of Dementia complications at care-homes.


Dementia diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

TBI module for detailed review

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are classified as either mild or severe pending or whether consciousness was lost for shorter or longer than 30 minutes. Severity is also judged by the level of confusion and disorientation after the event.

Even in mild cases many complications may develop. Complications may appear right away or may not be present for days or even months after the injury.

The most common brain injury complications are:

Patients always benefit from annual checks as the early detection and management of complications are critical to optimize recovery. Specialist clinics offer annual brain scans (structural assessment), EEG examination electrical assessment), memory testing (functional assessment) and importantly will be in a position to compare tests from year-to-year and act appropriately when needed.

Even with mild brain injury, the consequences to a person's life can be significant. Change in brain function can have a dramatic impact on family life, professional function and social interaction.

Most brain injury complications can be managed and even significantly improved provided they are not overlooked.


TBI diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Stroke module for detailed review

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Stroke occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is either interrupted or reduced. When this happens, the brain does not get enough oxygen or nutrients which causes brain cells to die.

Stroke is also more likely to affect people if they are overweight, aged 55 or older, have a personal or family history of stroke, do not exercise much, drink alcohol heavily, smoke or use illicit drugs.

There are three main kinds of stroke; ischemic, hemorrhagic and TIA (transcient ischaemic attacks):

Ischemic stroke is the most common form of stroke, accounting for around 85% of strokes. This type of stroke is caused by blockages or narrowing of the arteries that provide blood to the brain.

Hemorrhagic stroke are caused by arteries in the brain either leaking blood or bursting open.

TIAs are different from the aforementioned kinds of stroke because the flow of blood to the brain is only briefly interrupted. TIAs are similar to ischemic strokes in that they are often caused by blood clots or other debris.

Sufferers can develop many complications such as memory impairment, emotionality and depression, adjustment problems, headaches, dizzyness and ballance problems, to name but a few.

This module focus on Stroke in broad terms. Once completed feel free to access any of the specific Stroke related complication modules also available from MEDIWEB.


Stroke diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Sleep module for detailed review

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Most symptoms reported by Patients can be grouped together in order to support the diagnosis of a specific syndrome.

In some cases though troublesome symptoms experienced do not fit needly in such syndrome definitions, and may need to be addressed independently.

Similarly such discrete symptoms may be caused by different conditions or contributions, in which case measuring them independently make even more sense.

The most common such symptoms are:

1. Consistent sleep problems which in turn may cause chronic tiredness, accidents, memory problems and many other complications.

2. Anergia which essentially means chronic lack of physical- or mental energy.

3. Experiencing chronic pain which for many people impact on all other aspects of their lives.

4. Significant traits of impulsivity which may result from enduring personality characteristics, mental- or physical illness.

5. Abnormal levels of irritability which may for instance result from physical illness concerns, life stressors or being depressed.

Measuring and exploring such difficulties in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Sleep diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Energy module for detailed review

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Most symptoms reported by Patients can be grouped together in order to support the diagnosis of a specific syndrome.

In some cases though troublesome symptoms experienced do not fit needly in such syndrome definitions, and may need to be addressed independently.

Similarly such discrete symptoms may be caused by different conditions or contributions, in which case measuring them independently make even more sense.

The most common such symptoms are:

1. Consistent sleep problems which in turn may cause chronic tiredness, accidents, memory problems and many other complications.

2. Anergia which essentially means chronic lack of physical- or mental energy.

3. Experiencing chronic pain which for many people impact on all other aspects of their lives.

4. Significant traits of impulsivity which may result from enduring personality characteristics, mental- or physical illness.

5. Abnormal levels of irritability which may for instance result from physical illness concerns, life stressors or being depressed.

Measuring and exploring such difficulties in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Energy diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Pain module for detailed review

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Most symptoms reported by Patients can be grouped together in order to support the diagnosis of a specific syndrome.

In some cases though troublesome symptoms experienced do not fit needly in such syndrome definitions, and may need to be addressed independently.

Similarly such discrete symptoms may be caused by different conditions or contributions, in which case measuring them independently make even more sense.

The most common such symptoms are:

1. Consistent sleep problems which in turn may cause chronic tiredness, accidents, memory problems and many other complications.

2. Anergia which essentially means chronic lack of physical- or mental energy.

3. Experiencing chronic pain which for many people impact on all other aspects of their lives.

4. Significant traits of impulsivity which may result from enduring personality characteristics, mental- or physical illness.

5. Abnormal levels of irritability which may for instance result from physical illness concerns, life stressors or being depressed.

Measuring and exploring such difficulties in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Pain diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Impulsivity module for detailed review

Click to enter module...

Most symptoms reported by Patients can be grouped together in order to support the diagnosis of a specific syndrome.

In some cases though troublesome symptoms experienced do not fit needly in such syndrome definitions, and may need to be addressed independently.

Similarly such discrete symptoms may be caused by different conditions or contributions, in which case measuring them independently make even more sense.

The most common such symptoms are:

1. Consistent sleep problems which in turn may cause chronic tiredness, accidents, memory problems and many other complications.

2. Anergia which essentially means chronic lack of physical- or mental energy.

3. Experiencing chronic pain which for many people impact on all other aspects of their lives.

4. Significant traits of impulsivity which may result from enduring personality characteristics, mental- or physical illness.

5. Abnormal levels of irritability which may for instance result from physical illness concerns, life stressors or being depressed.

Measuring and exploring such difficulties in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Impulsivity diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Irritability module for detailed review

Click to enter module...

Most symptoms reported by Patients can be grouped together in order to support the diagnosis of a specific syndrome.

In some cases though troublesome symptoms experienced do not fit needly in such syndrome definitions, and may need to be addressed independently.

Similarly such discrete symptoms may be caused by different conditions or contributions, in which case measuring them independently make even more sense.

The most common such symptoms are:

1. Consistent sleep problems which in turn may cause chronic tiredness, accidents, memory problems and many other complications.

2. Anergia which essentially means chronic lack of physical- or mental energy.

3. Experiencing chronic pain which for many people impact on all other aspects of their lives.

4. Significant traits of impulsivity which may result from enduring personality characteristics, mental- or physical illness.

5. Abnormal levels of irritability which may for instance result from physical illness concerns, life stressors or being depressed.

Measuring and exploring such difficulties in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Irritability diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Headache module for detailed review

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The most common conditions in everyday Neurology practice are:

1. Headache, which may result from muscle tension, migraine, some specific types of headache or even brain tumours.

2. Epilepsy, considering not only seizures but also the complications of depression, anxiety, dissociation, ADD, psychosis and memory disturbance.

3. Multiple Sclerosis, and related complications such as mood and memory disorders.

4. Memory disturbance such as found in Alzheimer's disease, after stroke or resulting from any other medical condition.

5. Parkinson's disease and related complications such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, psychosis or memory disturbance.

Measuring and exploring such illnesses in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Headache diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Epilepsy module for detailed review

Click to enter module...

The most common conditions in everyday Neurology practice are:

1. Headache, which may result from muscle tension, migraine, some specific types of headache or even brain tumours.

2. Epilepsy, considering not only seizures but also the complications of depression, anxiety, dissociation, ADD, psychosis and memory disturbance.

3. Multiple Sclerosis, and related complications such as mood and memory disorders.

4. Memory disturbance such as found in Alzheimer's disease, after stroke or resulting from any other medical condition.

5. Parkinson's disease and related complications such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, psychosis or memory disturbance.

Measuring and exploring such illnesses in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Epilepsy diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

MS module for detailed review

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The most common conditions in everyday Neurology practice are:

1. Headache, which may result from muscle tension, migraine, some specific types of headache or even brain tumours.

2. Epilepsy, considering not only seizures but also the complications of depression, anxiety, dissociation, ADD, psychosis and memory disturbance.

3. Multiple Sclerosis, and related complications such as mood and memory disorders.

4. Memory disturbance such as found in Alzheimer's disease, after stroke or resulting from any other medical condition.

5. Parkinson's disease and related complications such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, psychosis or memory disturbance.

Measuring and exploring such illnesses in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


MS diary for daily review

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Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Cognition module for detailed review

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The most common conditions in everyday Neurology practice are:

1. Headache, which may result from muscle tension, migraine, some specific types of headache or even brain tumours.

2. Epilepsy, considering not only seizures but also the complications of depression, anxiety, dissociation, ADD, psychosis and memory disturbance.

3. Multiple Sclerosis, and related complications such as mood and memory disorders.

4. Memory disturbance such as found in Alzheimer's disease, after stroke or resulting from any other medical condition.

5. Parkinson's disease and related complications such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, psychosis or memory disturbance.

Measuring and exploring such illnesses in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Cognition diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

Parkinson module for detailed review

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The most common conditions in everyday Neurology practice are:

1. Headache, which may result from muscle tension, migraine, some specific types of headache or even brain tumours.

2. Epilepsy, considering not only seizures but also the complications of depression, anxiety, dissociation, ADD, psychosis and memory disturbance.

3. Multiple Sclerosis, and related complications such as mood and memory disorders.

4. Memory disturbance such as found in Alzheimer's disease, after stroke or resulting from any other medical condition.

5. Parkinson's disease and related complications such as anxiety, paranoia, confusion, psychosis or memory disturbance.

Measuring and exploring such illnesses in more detail will aid towards managing them better, which in turn may improve the quality of life for those suffering chronically from them.


Parkinson diary for daily review

Click to enter module...

Monitoring progress precisely often is critical to successful recovery. Keeping daily diaries of symptoms experienced is easily achieved by way of these modules.

Of special value is the ability to present data in colour calendar format, or by event log format enabling critical review of what contributed to the escalation or improvement of symptoms on the day.

Comparing colour calendars on a month-to-month basis often serve to encourage, or occasionally may prevent catastrophic deterioration.

Symptom diaries often help to decide when more detailed assessments should be done, or even when treatment plans should be reviewed.

All diary modules are available on Android, iOS, Windows and Apple platforms, enabling daily monitoring from any desktop or mobile device.

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